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West Australian Fisherman reviews Rocksteady Rod Holder

So I've used the Rock Steady Rod Holder during a couple of sessions now and I've got to say I'm impressed.

Over all report? 5/5 Its definatly a solid product. If your fishing rockwalls regularly then it would be money well spent. Rolls up smaller than a brag matt and blows up in two or three breaths and saves having to cart a 2 meter long rod tube to reach somthing solid.

Price? 4/5, If your anything like me then you would spend more than the $37 price tag on takeaway coffee in a fortnight and that even includes postage!!!

Quality? 5/5 I dont really see how it could be improved except for maybe a slightly longer inflation tube just incase you have to fit it down a bit curther in a rock hole.

Ease of use? 5/5 If you have the ability to breath unassisted thenyou can use this product. Seriously I could train a chimp to use it in under 20 minutes.

I reckon its a fantastic idea and shows great thought, ingenuity and execution....would love to see more local fishos putting as much effort into developing new products as Justin has with the Rocksteady Rod Holder. If you havent seen it yet then jump on the webiste and check out the video. I'm sure you will be as impressed as I was.

Rusty Hood-Penn

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